SOTA: School of the Arts Singapore

Leadership Academy (LeAd) 2016/2017

Published on Jun 28, 2016

Leadership Academy (LeAd) 2016/2017

LeAd full team (cropped)
Leadership Academy (LeAd) 2016/2017

The Leadership Academy (LeAd) is an elected student leadership body that aims to serve the interests and needs of the student body as well as to support school initiatives. Some of these initiatives include the student-organised event, Fireworks Action, and Teacher's Day.

LeAd also aims to create leadership opportunities in the school to develop student leadership, as well as to cultivate a unique school culture for SOTA.

The 2016/2017 LeAd batch stands strong with its vision and drive to work together with the school in the spirit of gotong royong and craft memorable and enjoyable experiences for the SOTA community.

CMC (cropped)
Class Management Committee Council (CMC Council)

LSC (cropped)
Leadership Studies Committee (LSC)

Comms (cropped)
Communications Committee (Comms)