Our People

At the heart of SOTA is a community of passionate individuals who bring creativity to life. Our diverse team of leaders, educators, and support staff is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of artists and inspired citizens. Get to know the vibrant tapestry of the school through the organisational chart below.

SOTA Board

Mr Loh Lik Peng (Chairman)

Unlisted Collections

Mr Azman Jaafar

Managing Partner

Mrs Chaillan Mui Tuan

Cluster Superintendent/South 4
Ministry of Education

Dr Chen Jer-Ming

Assistant Professor
Singapore University of Technology and Design

Mr Danny Loong

Timbre Group

Ms Jenny Tan

Head, Group Internal Audit,
CapitaLand Investment Limited

Ms Koh Lin-Net

Director, Centre for Impact Investing &

Lead, Institutional Relations

Temasek Trust

Mr Kuok Meng Ru

Group CEO & Founder
Caldecott Music Group

Ms May Tan

Director, Arts Ecosystem Group, Education & Manpower Development
National Arts Council

Mr Sanjiv Rajan

Allen & Gledhill LLP

Ms Seah Gek Choo

Partner/Audit & Assurance
Deloitte & Touche LLP

Mr Tan Xuan Rong

Director (Arts and Heritage)
Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth

Ms Yong Zen Yun

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Leadership Team


Mrs Mary Seah


Ms Amy Khoo

Vice-Principal, Arts

Ms Pauline Ann Tan

Vice-Principal, Academic & Affective

Mr Liong Huai Yu

Vice-Principal, Academic & Affective

Ms Justine Tan

Director, Corporate Planning & Services

Mr Lee Yew Wah

Deputy Director, Finance & Services

Mr Maurice Yu

Deputy Director, Technology Management & Services

Mr Poh Leong Joo

Dean, Academic

Ms Yang Tien

Dean, Arts

Faculty & Subject Heads

Community Service

Mariette Ong, Head,
Daniel Chua, Subject Head


Phua Sze Ping, Head

Experiential Education

Kaycee Chan, Head


David Cheng, Head

Humanities & Social Sciences

Low Wai-Peng, Head

Literary Arts

Janet Liew, Head

Literature in English

Leong Su Zhen, Head
Amitha Rachel Pagolu, Acting Subject Head


Winnie Gwee, Head
Ko Hak Chin, Subject Head
Celeste Lin, Subject Head (ICT)
James McKellar, Acting Subject Head (Assessment)

Mother Tongue Languages


Pang Jin, Subject Head
Cheryl Lim, Subject Head (IBCP)


Danny Yip, Head
Ronald Lim, Head (IBDP)
Michelle Tang, School Staff Developer

Student Development

Lim Jong Yann, Head
Nicholas Zeng, Acting Head (Student Leadership)


Marianne Sim, Head

English Language & Critical Thinking,
Theory of Knowledge

Gerard Yee, Head

Visual Arts

Lim Boon Eng, Head
Ong Hui Har, Subject Head

Corporate Team Leaders

Office of Administration

Kelvin Chan, Manager

Office of Corporate Communications

Michelle Liew, Senior Manager
Ng Eileen, Manager

Office of Finance

Pauline Tan, Senior Manager

Office of Human Resources

Wee Siew Kheem, Senior Manager

Library & Information Services

Joanna Yu, Senior Manager

Office of Procurement

Grace Tan, Senior Manager

Office of Property Management

Aron Ang, Senior Manager

Office of Student Affairs

Adeline Bai, Manager

Office of Technology Management

Elizabeth Tay, Senior Manager

Office of Venue Management

Jennifer Tan, Senior Manager

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