SOTA: School of the Arts Singapore

Care Packs with love from SOTA Parents

Published on Aug 31, 2020
Care Packs for Year 6s from SOTA Parents

Over the past few months, students all over Singapore and the world have had to navigate through uncertainties and adapt to many changes because of COVID-19. For our Year 6 students, their graduation year as been a very different one. As they approach the final lap of their IB journey, the SOTA Parent Support Group wanted to show their support and encouragement with a specially curated Care Pack. Items in the Care Pack included a customised collapsible coffee mug, healthy snacks, a customised bracelet as well as handwritten notes of encouragement.

Minister for Education, Mr Lawrence Wong, said in his National Day Message to schools, "this crisis, and every crisis before, has shown us that the mettle of being Singaporean is our ability to unite and support each other." We are grateful for the strong support from our SOTA Parents throughout these difficult times. Thank you SOTA Parents for this heartwarming gesture and for bringing extra cheer to the students. The Year 6s appreciate you!