Student Development

Through our Student Development programmes, SOTA nurtures artistic and creative learners who positively and meaningfully contribute to their community using their creativity and talents.


These programmes develop students’ social-emotional skills and leadership qualities, encouraging them to make an impact on local and global communities.


Learn more about our International Baccalaureate Programmes (IBDP & IBCP) here

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Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)

SOTA adopts a whole-school and connected curriculum to approach the teaching of character and citizenship. Students acquire such knowledge and skills through both formal and informal curricula of the academic, arts, and affective. After six years at SOTA, we hope our students embody the values and attributes of the IB Learner Profile to become a “H.I.P. Leader with Passion.”


CCE at SOTA involves Class Mentors who, using materials from MOE’s CCE syllabus, engage students to explore values and issues through discussions and a variety of classroom strategies. Here’s how CCE lessons at SOTA work:


Discussions on modern issues which empower students to do the following: perceive reality through national, regional, and global lenses, reflect on their national identity, develop civic consciousness, and have the desire to make a positive difference in society. Students will also discover social and emotional competencies that align with the 21st-century


The learning outcomes listed below are part of CCE class-based lessons, integrated within the academic and arts curriculum, as well as school-based programmes. Students are encouraged to embody the various habits, values, attitudes, competencies and skills that will help them reach their full potential as members of the community. Through CCE, students develop character and citizenship dispositions that empower them to become well-rounded citizens with a heart for lifelong learning.

Learning Outcomes

  • Cultivate self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve personal effectiveness, well-being, and passion
  • Demonstrate people-centredness by building social awareness and managing relationships for personal and social well-being
  • Develop integrity and humility to make responsible decisions
  • Become a H.I.P. (Humility, Integrity, People-centredness) Leader with Passion by contributing actively to our nation and reflecting on community and global issues

Key Programmes

  • CCE lessons
  • Individual and/or small group mentorship by Class Mentors
  • Class meetings
  • Level talks and workshops
  • Counselling (social-emotional, ECG, etc)
  • Leadership training and workshops


Every student at SOTA has the opportunity to take up leadership roles and guide others towards achieving their best. The school curriculum incorporates leadership training based on models like The Leadership Challenge (TLC) developed by Kouzes and Posner.


The Leadership Academy (LeAd) is a platform for students to develop leadership skills while embodying SOTA’s H.I.P.P. values. Through LeAd, students deepen their understanding of leadership, work with the student body to build a sense of community, and positively shape the school culture.


The Leadership Academy (LeAd) consists of three committees:


Class Management Committee Council (CMCC)

The CMCC collaborates with Class Management Committees (CMC) at all levels to shape positive class culture and manage challenges. They organise training sessions, hold regular meetings, and plan activities to build class culture.

Committee for Community and School Culture (COMMs)

The COMMs oversee activities and events to build student culture and community spirit within the school. These activities can occur within a single level or between different levels to foster understanding and unity.

Leadership Studies Committee (LSC)

The LSC oversees the leadership studies for the Leadership Academy, organising discussions and activities both within and beyond the academy to enhance understanding of leadership theory and practice.


The activities they organise include:

  • CMC Training
  • Class Identity Campaigns
  • Student-led Workshops
  • Youth Day Celebration
  • Teachers’ Day Celebration
  • Planning and organising National Education commemorative days such as Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day, National Day

Education and Career Guidance

SOTA’s Education and Career Guidance (ECG) Team creates programmes to help students develop self-awareness and exploration of their goals for the future. Students receive advice on higher education, and application support, and learn important skills like interview and resume writing.


The ECG Committee also partners with other institutions to offer educational opportunities. Through personalised guidance and support, SOTA aims to help every student pursue opportunities beyond the school to develop their talents and potential.

Key Programmes

Year 1, 2, and 3: Awareness and Exploration

  • Class-based Lessons
  • Portal
  • Subject Selection
  • Career Talks
  • Individual ECG Counselling
  • Higher Education Fair


SD ECG key programmes 1
SD ECG key programmes 2

Year 4, 5, and 6: Planning

  • Class-based Lessons
  • Higher Education & Career Talks
  • Individual ECG Counselling
  • Subject Selection & Education Pathways
  • Scholarship Preparation Programme for Year 5 and 6
  • School Graduation Certificate & Arts Portfolio for Year 5 and 6
  • Higher Education Fair

Counselling, Learning Needs Support and Behavioural Management

Together with the school counsellors, Year Mentors, Class Mentors, Subject Mentors and Art Mentors form the team that provides social, emotional and learning needs support for our students. School counsellors work with our students to help them gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become resilient and independent persons ready to face the future.

SD counselling


SOTA adopts the practice of positive discipline and celebrates students’ positive behaviour. In the event of misbehaviour, the school provides the guidance, structure, and resources to redirect and reinforce the desired behaviour.