SOTA: School of the Arts Singapore

Commemorating 50 Years of NKF with portraits by SOTA students

Published on Jul 31, 2019

We were delighted to be part of The National Kidney Foundation's (NKF) 50-year journey celebrations. Our students had the opportunity to use their artistic talents to contribute portraits for a meaningful commemorative book, which features stories and reflections written by patients, caregivers, NKF staff and other stakeholders.
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In Youthful Company - Kinesphere

Published on Jul 31, 2019

SOTA's Dance and Music students had the opportunity to present Kinesphere: Triple Quintet for 9 Musicians and 6 Dancers at the Esplanade!
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Concerti I Solisti VIII

Published on Jul 31, 2019

Winners of SOTA's annual SOTA Concerto Competition joined forces with the Orchestra of the Music Makers to present Concerti I Solisti VIII on 24 March!
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Raise Your Game 2019

Published on Jul 31, 2019

Aaliyah Binte Ahmad Firdaus Elliott Abdullah (Literary Arts, Year 3), Arielle Jasmine Van Zuijlen (Theatre, Year 5), and Woon Rae (Film, Year 5) represented SOTA to deliver a keynote speech at Raise Your Game 2019. We were proud to see SOTA alumna Amni Musfirah (Music, 2012) on the discussion panel too.
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2019 SOTA Primary 6 Art Competition

Published on Jul 30, 2019

This year, the SOTA P6 Art Competition 2019 received 30% more submissions as compared to last year. The submissions came from over 140 primary schools in Singapore!
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Spectrum Platform - SOTA Showcase

Published on Mar 29, 2019

SOTA Year 2 Music student Parveen Kaur and alumna Tonglin Lin were featured in the Spectrum Showcase at Esplanade Concourse on 11 February! The two musicians presented perspectives on two contemporary works from two musical cultures.
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Smartbutt gets restaged at The Nanyang Playhouse

Published on Mar 29, 2019

After a well-received and sold-out run in August last year, Smartbutt was recently restaged by SOTA’s Year 6 Theatre IBCP students and alumni at the Nanyang Playhouse to four full house shows from 6 to 8 March 2019! This initiative is part of SOTA's increasing outreach efforts to make arts more accessible to primary schools students.
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