SOTA: School of the Arts Singapore

Post-exam activities 2016

Published on Jan 16, 2017

Post-exam activities 2016

An exciting array of activities was planned for our students after their final exams! Have a look at some of the activities below.

Our students had the opportunity to learn about Chinese fan painting, life skills such as understanding the Five Love Languages, and learning to relax with Yoga.

post exam 2016 fan painting and life skills - website post exam 2016 life skills- website

In addition, SOTA invited community leaders from other schools and organisations to talk about projects centred around Sustainable Development Goals. Known as "Gotong Royong", the event aimed to encourage social advocacy and promote social awareness on sustainable development in aspects ranging from poverty to social justice.

By providing a platform for youths to be exposed to social and environmental issues, Gotong Royong hoped to promote action to address these issues. Some of our students who have been actively working on projects also stepped up to share their experiences and to act as facilitators!

post exam 2016 gotong royong - website

The National Arts Council (NAC) came to share about the Youth Arts Programmes they offer with the Year 3s. Musicians Andy Chia from local band SA, Inch Chua and local artist Jean Loo were also invited to share their experiences in their artistic pursuits.

The Year 4s met Mr Kenneth Kwok, Director of Arts & Youth and Strategic Planning, for an informative session about the  The cohort also discussed possible changes in the arts scene they would like to see in the future, especially in their respective art forms.

Mr Kwok also spoke to the Year 5 and 6 IBCP students, to address the concerns of and to share possible opportunities for these aspiring professional artists. Ms Hoon Jia Jia, Deputy Director of Capability Development, also answered queries on the scholarships and grants available for those embarking on a career in the arts.

It was an inspiring and informative session for the students and we would like to thank the speakers for taking time to be with us!

post exam 2016 NAC talk - website

The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) brought the interactive skit "YOLO" to SOTA to encourage students to say "No" to drugs. While "YOLO" is commonly used as an acronym for "You Only Live Once", the skit raised the issue of highly dangerous and life-threatening behaviour such as using illegal drugs. It aimed to change the idea to "you only get one chance to live well" and portrayed the importance of support from the family.


The assembly show presented by the Singapore Kindness Movement was centred around the theme of "Neighbourliness" and encouraged students to think of ideas on how to befriend and make conversation with their immediate neighbours. A series of daily situations that students could encounter with their neighbours and possible reactions to such interactions were depicted in the skit.

SKM forum

We are grateful to all the teachers and staff who contributed in one way or another to ensure that the last two weeks of the school year were educational and enjoyable for the students!