SOTA: School of the Arts Singapore

K+ SOTA: Invisible Ties (2018)

Published on Mar 05, 2018

K+ SOTA: Invisible Ties (2018)

From 22 December 2017 to 4 February 2018, SOTA collaborated with K+ for the second instalment of K+SOTA. This edition, titled 'Invisible Ties', explored the ties that people have to places, other people, and moments in time. The exhibition was also part of Scott Square's 'The Art of Giving' initiative, where 50% of all proceeds from the sale of artworks was donated to HCA Hospice Care. 

The exhibition featured a diverse range of works - painting, prints, mixed-media works, sculptures and photographs - by ten talented Year 5 and 6 Visual Arts students. For most of the students, this was the first time their works were showcased beyond the walls of their classrooms.

Students, teachers and parents were invited to the opening of the exhibition, during which Year 5 student Lau Tse Xuan represented her peers to share about being a part of this collaboration.

She said, "I am very grateful for this chance to display my artwork in a professional gallery and it is a form of encouragement to me to become a better artist. This opportunity has given me an insight to learn not only from my peers but also to receive feedback from the public and artists in the art community."

Visual Arts students and teachers at the opening of K+ SOTA: Invisible Ties