SOTA: School of the Arts Singapore

SOTA FUNdraising Carnival 2016

Published on Oct 14, 2016

SOTA FUNdraising Carnival 2016

Carnival collage

SOTA held its first FUNdraising carnival on 6 August 2016! Featuring fun games for participants of all ages, delicious food and drinks, interesting performances by our students and alumni and the sale of our students' artworks, all proceeds from the carnival went towards funding students who are in need of financial assistance and supporting student development programmes.

The Dunking Machine by the Experiential Education Department was a highlight of the event and our SOTA Principal and various teachers gamely volunteered to be dunked (at a price!) to much laughter and applause from the delighted crowd. The Haunted House by our students was also another crowd favourite, with tickets selling out by mid-day.

SOTA would like to thank Ascendas Land (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple, Tote Board and Singapore Turf Club, and Mr Wang Yih-Shuian for their generous contributions of $5,000 and above to our fundraising efforts. We would also like to thank our partners, parents, staff and teachers, students and visitors for their support and for participating actively to make the FUNdraising Carnival a success!