SOTA: School of the Arts Singapore

SOTA National Day Commemoration 2016

Published on Oct 14, 2016

SOTA National Day Commemoration 2016

NDP Collage 2

SOTA celebrated National Day with the theme “Building our Singapore of Tomorrow” on 8 August. The theme was a call for Singaporeans to work together as one to shape our future and to reflect our love for Singapore, where we are proud to call home.

Celebration highlights included Poetry Recital, Dikir Barat Performance, Futuristic Light Dance, Open Mic Lip Sync Battle (National Day Edition) and our traditional National Day Theme Songs Sing-Along-Session. Our alumna, Amni Musfirah, came back to celebrate with us too and led us in singing this year's National Day song, "Tomorrow's Here Today", and everyone's favourite "Home".