SOTA: School of the Arts Singapore

The legacy of SOTA Angsana Tree lives on

Published on May 07, 2018

The legacy of SOTA Angsana Tree lives on

Affectionately known to some in the SOTA community as the “Tree of Knowledge” or the "SOTA Tree", the Angsana tree at the SOTA steps has battled harsh weather and thunderstorms over the years. Unfortunately, due to decay and cavity at its base, the tree was removed on 21 January 2018 for the safety of students, staff and members of public.

The SOTA community gathered in the evening on 19 January 2018 to commemorate the SOTA Tree. Students, alumni, parents and staff came together for a short programme of performances from students, and to create a mural of leaf prints.

Special thanks to Mr Zainudin Samsuri for hand-making all the leaf print blocks, and the teachers and students for preparing the meaningful programme. While it saddens us to bid farewell to the SOTA tree, we hope that its legacy lives on!

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Performances, speech, reading and leaf mural printing at the Tree Remembrance ceremony